Landidyll Weinhotel Klostermühle

Cultural experiences

Explore the museums and world heritage sites in Saarburg

Landidyll Weinhotel Klostermühle

Amüseum in Saarburg

The Amüseum in Saarburg presents traditional crafts such as printers, tanners, bell casters and shoemakers. In the municipal museum, located in the middle of the old town directly at the waterfall, you can see the oldest turbine still in operation, which generates the electricity for the lighting of the Buttermarkt.

Learn more (www)

Landidyll Weinhotel Klostermühle

Mill Museum in Saarburg

Below the waterfall, you can be enthralled by the grinding gears, mill wheels and historical tools during a guided tour of the Saarburg Mill Museum in the rooms of the former grinding room.

Learn more (www)

Souvenir shop

Bell Foundry Mabilon

The Mabilon bell foundry in Saarburg ceased operations in 2002 and is now open to visitors as a museum. The former casting halls have been preserved so that the old furnaces, pits and equipment can be visited, giving the impression that the next bell is just waiting to be cast.

Learn more (www)

Museo del vino en WOW.

Open-Air muesum Roscheider Hof

The open-air museum Roscheider Hof in Konz demonstrates the former rural everyday life of the inhabitants of the Eifel, Hunsrück, Saargau, Lorraine and Luxembourg. On display are various crafts, such as winegrowing or the production of cider and schnapps, as well as school life in imperial times. On an area of 22 hectares, you can stroll through many historical buildings and gardens.

Learn more (www)

Vintage Farm Tractor

Bulldog- and Farm Machinery Museum

The Bulldog and Farm Machinery Museum is located in the border triangle, in the village of Kreuzweiler, and is a traditional, self-built log cabin in which machines used in field work and rural crafts are presented. Depending on the season, you can marvel at demonstrations of typical agricultural work such as baking bread, pressing Viez, threshing, harvesting and ploughing with historical implements.

Learn more (www)