If you would like to make a city trip during your stay with us at the hotel, our region has plenty of entertainment. By train you can very quickly reach the Roman city of Trier, Germany's oldest city, where you can stroll through the old town and take a look at the various Roman buildings. In the opposite direction, you can also venture from Ockfen to the small but beautiful Saarland and visit Montclair Castle and other sights in the Villeroy & Boch town of Mettlach.
The oldest city in Germany! It is the district capital of the administrative district of the same name, the seat of the bishop, a university town and the cultural, transport and economic centre of the Trier region.
Trier is characterised by well-preserved Roman buildings such as the Imperial Baths, the Amphitheatre, the Basilica, the Roman Bridge, the Cathedral and above all the Porta Nigra, the old city gate, as a typical landmark of the city. You will gain insights into Trier's Roman past as one of the greatest cities of its time. You will discover the city's ancient heritage in Trier's Roman buildings and also in the Rheinisches Landesmuseum Trier. Nowhere else in Germany can you experience evidence of the Roman era in such an authentic way.
The streets of the city centre with their cobblestone pavements invite you to take a stroll or go shopping. The main market square is the centre of the medieval town, framed by great buildings such as the Steipe, the town council's festival house with direct access to the town church of St. Gangolf.
The palace garden at the Electoral Palace with its green meadows, water features and Greco-Roman sculptures invites you to linger, relax and reflect. The Electoral Palace right next to the Constantine Basilica is considered one of the most beautiful rococo palaces in the world. Occasionally you can experience concerts in the Great Hall of the Palais or open air in the courtyard in summer.
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