If you would like to make a city trip during your stay with us at the hotel, our region has plenty of entertainment. By train you can very quickly reach the Roman city of Trier, Germany's oldest city, where you can stroll through the old town and take a look at the various Roman buildings. In the opposite direction, you can also venture from Ockfen to the small but beautiful Saarland and visit Montclair Castle and other sights in the Villeroy & Boch town of Mettlach.
Mettlach | Saarschleife
The holiday and ceramics community of Mettlach is located directly on the famous Saarschleife. From the "Cloef" vantage point in the district of Orscholz, 180 m above the river, you have the most beautiful and famous view of the Saar Loop.
Mettlach is the birthplace of the world-famous ceramics manufacturer Villeroy & Boch. In the Villeroy & Boch experience centre, you can experience a thousand years of cultural history, centuries of ceramic tradition and forward-looking concepts relating to "living and home". Keravision presents a quarter of a millennium of company history in the historical ambience of the Old Abbey. Roam through the epochs and witness how historical events are reflected in design and "Zeitgeist": from the successful "Alt Luxemburg" tableware décor - created in 1770 and still valid today - to the spirit of optimism of Art Nouveau, purposeful post-war years and the mature complete range for all areas of life. In addition to the Villeroy & Boch outlet centre, many other manufacturers of various brands await you in the pedestrian zone.
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