If you would like to make a city trip during your stay with us at the hotel, our region has plenty of entertainment. By train you can very quickly reach the Roman city of Trier, Germany's oldest city, where you can stroll through the old town and take a look at the various Roman buildings. In the opposite direction, you can also venture from Ockfen to the small but beautiful Saarland and visit Montclair Castle and other sights in the Villeroy & Boch town of Mettlach.
The town of Merzig is located in Germany's smallest federal state, the Saarland, between Trier and Luxembourg and is characterised by German as well as Luxembourgish and French culture.
Merzig is also known as the "City of Wolves" because of the Werner Freund Wolf Park. Here you have the opportunity to get to know not only native animals but also species from other parts of the world, such as the African Barbary macaques, the inhabitants of the South American enclosure or the large bird aviary at close quarters. From April to October, the "Garden of the Senses" invites you to relax. It was created during the joint project "Garden without Borders" in the Saar-Lor-Lux region. On the Kreuzberg in Merzig, you can marvel at this shared cultural history in a total of 11 garden rooms.
Located in the architecturally fascinating city centre, the Stadthaus is one of the city's most beautiful landmarks. Every year, the Christmas market takes place here, during which both the Stadthaus and the many surrounding buildings in the city centre are presented in a dreamlike light.
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Erkunden Sie die vielfältigen Wanderwege im Naturpark Saar-Hunsrück. Entlang der Traumschleifen des Saar-Hunsrück-Steigs oder auf einem der Seitensprünge des Mosel-Steigs wird ihr Wanderurlaub unvergesslich.
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Unser Hotel ist nur 200m vom Saar-Radweg entfernt, ideal für Ihren nächsten Fahrradurlaub. Planen Sie Sternfahrten von unserem Hotel aus, zum Mosel-Radweg, Ruwer-Hochwald-Radweg, Sauer-Radweg oder Hunsrück-Radweg.
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Was gibt es Besseres als sich nach einem schönen, ereignisreichen Tag zu entspannen in unserer Sauna- und Hydrokabine mit Wasserdampf. Erschaffen Sie sich Ihre eigene Wohlfühloase mit unseren verschiedenen Bio-Saunaaufgüssen von Primavera ganz nach Ihrem Belieben.